What are the Causes of Toothaches?

Toothache can be utterly miserable, as the pain can be sharp or a constant throbbing.

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Toothache can be utterly miserable, as the pain can be sharp or a constant throbbing. Sometimes the pain is only present when you bite down or put pressure on the tooth. It’s important not to ignore toothache, especially when it lasts longer than a day or two. As a proper diagnosis will not only help relieve pain but can also prevent any infections from spreading to other parts of the face.

What are the Causes of a Toothache?

Common causes of toothache and dental pain include:

  1. Tooth decay
  2. Dental abscess
  3. Having a fractured tooth
  4. Having a leaking or damaged to the filling
  5. Teeth grinding
  6. Having infected gums

What are the Symptoms of a Toothache?

Symptoms can include:

    1. Noticing you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth
    2. Swollen gum around the tooth
    3. You may have a persistent headache or even fever

If you have had your toothache for more than a day and n food trapped in between the teeth (try gently flossing around the affected tooth), then call Midtown Dentistry to book an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Penchas, or with another dentist in our clinic.


Your dentist will examine the affected tooth to diagnose the cause of your toothache. Besides, they will review your whole mouth as well as your jaws and gums, and it might be necessary to take dental x-rays to assess the spread of any infection and to see the extent of the damage.

Possible treatments include having any tooth decay removed and the cavity filled, or root canal treatment if the infection has reached the central part of the tooth and has caused an abscess to form. The central part of the tooth contains the pulp which holds all the nerves and blood vessels to the tooth.

Removing an infected pulp should cure a toothache. Sealing the root canals with a crown or filling will prevent further infections. Sometimes the tooth can be too severely infected to save, in which case it will require extraction. In the case of severe infections, you might be prescribed antibiotics to help fight the disease.


Sometimes dental pain can be due to trauma, for instance, if you crack or chip a tooth during an accident or while playing sports, or even worse knock it out completely. In this case, it is essential to seek professional help as soon as you can, especially if you have knocked out. Reinserting a tooth is successful if carried out half an hour to an hour after the accident.

Rinse off the knocked out tooth, taking care to any hold it by the crown, and either try to carefully reinsert it yourself or store it in a small container with a little milk or plain water. Take it to your dentist or your emergency room as soon as you can.

There are Many Causes for Dental Pain

denture patient
There are Many Causes for Dental Pain.

Teeth grinding can sometimes cause teeth to fracture or can chip existing fillings. If this is the case, then your dentist will replace any damaged fillings and might choose to crown the tooth to provide additional structure and strength. You’ll also need to take action to treat the tooth grinding. Wearing a nightguard will prevent the teeth from coming into contact with one another while you sleep.

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